Eastwood Bookshop

Eastwood Bookshop corner of Derby Street and Gladstone Road.
Maker and role
Harold Dunstan
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Object detail

Eastwood Bookshop corner of Derby Street and Gladstone Road.
Maker and role
Harold Dunstan
Production date
24 Sep 1957
Dimensions: 120 x 90mm: 0 - Whole
Subject date
24 Sep 1957
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Thank you for this photo of Eastwood’s Book Store. As a small pre-school child in the 1960s I would go there weekly with my mother. This shop ignited in me a real passion for books and reading. I have been looking for photos of the shop for a while now. When I saw this photo… joy! My very first fountain pen (& bottle of ink) was bought from Eastwood’s. Sadly the pen has been lost over the years but I still have a love of fountain pens and ink. Eastwood Book Store remains a place of wonder for me. Thank you so much for uploading this photo.

- Glenda Smith posted one year ago.

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