Hugh Tuckwell

Black and white photo of Hugh Tuckwell wearing glasses.
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Object detail

Black and white photo of Hugh Tuckwell wearing glasses.
Media/materials description
¼ dry collodion glass plate
Dimensions: 82.6 x 108mm: 0 - Whole
Associated person
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The first time I've seen this photo of my father Hugh. So nice to see. Yes he was an accomplished musician, playing alto sax, clarinet and piano. He also had a lifelong love of photography. As an amateur photographer he developed and printed his own black and white work, and in his mid to late 70s received his Diploma, acknowledgement of the high level he had attained in this craft.

- Susan Barham posted one year ago.

This is my uncle Hugh Tuckwell. He married Ivon's daughter Judith, my aunt. He was a mechanic and a jazz musician.

- Frankie Hill posted 2 years ago.

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