Train 931 Gisborne to Wellington express

Black and white image of the first Gisborne-Napier passenger train 7 September 1942.
Maker and role
Stan Vincent (b.1906, d.1991): Photographer
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Black and white image of the first Gisborne-Napier passenger train 7 September 1942.
Maker and role
Stan Vincent (b.1906, d.1991): Photographer
Production date
07 Sep 1942
Dimensions: 82.6 x 108mm: 0 - Whole
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That is actually train 931 Gisborne to Wellington express. The locomotives are Ab 740 leading and Ab 710 behind it assisting. The train's opposite number was train 612 Wellington to Gisborne express. Although it was the first scheduled passenger train to depart from Gisborne, the line from Gisborne to Wairoa was still under the control of the Public Works Department. They finally handed that section of the line over to the New Zealand Government Railways Department the following year.

- Bruce Scott posted 2 years ago.

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