Passenger basket

One wicker passenger basket used to off-load passengers and cargo from ship to wharf in the roadstead at Tokomaru Bay.
Maker and role
Alfred George Finucane: Maker
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Object detail

One wicker passenger basket used to off-load passengers and cargo from ship to wharf in the roadstead at Tokomaru Bay.
Maker and role
Alfred George Finucane: Maker
Production date
Circa 1919
Dimensions: 1000 x 600 x 1900mm: 0 - Whole
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Alfred Finucane is my grandfather and was delighted to see this. He was crippled in the war and became a basket maker to give purpose to his life. I have many memories of playing with bits of cane in his workshop, which was the spare bedroom. He made lots of baskets for the PDC, in Palmerston North. I still have various things he made.

- Christine McDonald (nee Finucane ) posted 3 months ago.

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